10 Signs That Show You Haven't Moved On! #4 Will Definitely Make You Feel Guilty AF

by Unknown March 20, 2017 OMG

When you find yourself wearing nothing but a sad, long face and overthinking at night--going over what went wrong, searching for the first signs of damage, or why things had to end read on these signs that you're proably not quite ready to move on just yet.

1. You Keep The Mementos
You keep looking at the old memories. It may be the pictures of you together, a movie ticket from your first date, or that bus ticket with some numbers punched on from when you traveled or simply the love notes your ex has given you on special occasions. By holding on of these objects, you're only prolonging the pain!

2. You Remember the Good Times
You only remember all the good times you've shared, not the problems laid at hand. You forget about how insecure, clingy, and jealous your ex was.

3. You're Still Into the Idea
You think about the idea of her/him being someone you truly need because she or he may have made you feel loved, cared for, or safe at a pivotal time in your life. You just like the idea of someone, not particularly the idea of her/him.

4. You Acquire Skills of a Stalker
You keep going through his/her posts on every social media he/she has just to see if there has been changes since the two of you broke up.

5. You Overthink
You delay the obvious by thinking it was solely your fault; you beat yourself up thinking you have let go of someone you took for granted. You may have ended things with this person at a crucial time of your life simply because you thought he/she would always be there waiting. But just when you are ready to give it a try again, that person has already moved on...with someone else.

6. You Date Someone Similar
Either by looks or by gestures. You try to look for the qualities your ex posesses to the one you are dating now. You are trying to replace him/her by being with someone who is the same. Do not replicate what you lost. Deal with your issues laid at hand first to lessen the pain.

7. You Hope
Somehow, you hope for the better. You hope that maybe with just one more phone call, she/he will get back.

8. You Send Drunk Messages
You hang out with your i-need-you friends--the ones you confide with for assurance that he/she is totally not worth it, to forget but when you've all drunk a little too much, you reach for your phone to send him/her messages you're bottling up inside.

9. You Have a Break-up Playlist
You go on and make a playlist, whose songs are probably from Adele, and is on repeat ever since.

10. You Make-believe
You imagine that things will be better than they truly are. There will always be a part of you who believes that your ex is the one, or your soulmate despite everything that has happened. You can't consider being with anyone else unless it's her/him.

If some (if not all) of these signs is applicable to you, know that you're not going through this alone. Just try to weigh in what your heart wants and what your brain is telling you.
There's a reason (or two) why things didn't work out between the two of you and it's always safe to look at the situation logically so you won't make any more damages.
These exes are somewhat  special to you but try to think of the experience as a scar--it's there but it doesn't hurt.

Rest assured, you can be with someone better, someone you truly deserve.

Which signs can you relate to?
SOURCE: Elite Daily

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