World's Hottest Nurse Silenced Her Bashers

by Unknown March 20, 2017 What's Hot

Carina Linn, a 23-year-old Taiwanese nurse went viral when she started sharing her series of dazzling photos on her Instagram account. Netizens has branded her as "the world's sexiest nurse" and a lot of her admirers has been leaving comments saying they want to get examined by her, that they love her, the likes. She then has gained over 384, 000 followers ever since.

Of course, if there are admirers, there's also the critiques. But Carina did not let the bashers say more negative things about her especially about her profession. She wanted everyone to know through her post a week ago that she did not intentionally wanted to become popular. Leaving it with a hashtag #stayinyourlanebitch. 

"My profession is still a full-time nurse as before. I am a nurse, a nurse who does shifts at a hospital. I am not a model or a photographer. Even more so, I'm not taking pictures because I'm trying to be famous. I am me, I do things that make me feel happy, I don't think that I am anything special or extraordinary, I am just someone leading an ordinary life. Moreover, you should not have any opinions about me. Why? Because I am serious about work and I am serious about life. You are just miserably behind your screen, being jealous that other people's lives are more fulfilling than yours."
Seriously, we can learn a thing or two from her post, right? One is to never judge anybody by his/er appearance and second is to stand up for yourself. Way to go, Carina! Let us know what you think of her!


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