5 Common Mistakes You're Doing In Applying Sunblock

by Unknown April 21, 2017 How To's & DIY

We are all aware that we should use sunscreen every day to protect our skin against UV rays. And yet we still manage to omit some mistakes in putting and storing our sunscreens. Yes, even people who apply it regularly tend to mess up with sunscreen. Here are the most common mistakes most of us do with our sunscreen.

You Put Sunscreen When You're Already Outside
That's actually a big NO-NO. You have to put sunscreen 30 minutes prior to sun's exposure so that there is time to absorb the sunscreen. So no, it's not ideal to lay on your back at the beach and put sunscreen.

You Stash Your Sunscreen In Humid Places
There's an instruction at the back on how to properly store sunscreen (and everything else). "Store in a cool, dry place." So don't put your sunscreen in your car, or in places that tend to get really hot. Personal advice? Put it in the refrigerator, just where your eggs are stored so it doesn't get too cool.
You Skip Other Key Spots
You only put sunscreen on your back, arms, legs, torso, and some parts of your face. But you forget to put sunscreen around your eyes, eyelids, on your foot, toes, underarms, back of the neck, ears, especially the tops and back of your ears, and inner upper arms. Don't take them for granted!
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You Think A Higher SPF The Better
You only need to stick with either SPF 30, which blocks 97% of UVB rays or SPF 50 with a 98% blockage to sun's UVB rays. There won't be much of a difference when you apply SPF 75, 90, or 100. Remember to re-apply sunscreen every two hours especially when you soak in the water.
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You Assume That You're Protected At Home
You are never protected from UV rays even when yo're staying indoors. The sun can still penetrate through your windows.

You Rely On SPF From Makeup
SPF from makeup products aren't the real deal. Yes, there is a low SPF but it doesn't mean you're protected while you're wearing your makeup. Put sunscreen before applying your primer.

Are you doing one or two mistakes listed here? Please share them with us!

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