How to go blonde when you have black hair

by Unknown May 24, 2017 How To's & DIY

We're warning you now, though, because you're about to damage your hair permanently.

Truth be told, of all coloring methods, bleaching your hair is the most damaging. But when bleaching is done right, and hair treatments are being applied, then your hair can remain strong, and healthy.

Your hair needs to be bleached for the platinum blonde look. Plus, your hair can't get any lighter without the help of a bleaching agent. Now, if you're sure you want to go blonde, here's how you do it:

Prep Up Your Hair
A lot of people skip this part so don't, because the first step is always crucial. Before bleaching your hair, deep condition it every weekend, apply VCO, apply a hair mask, etc. This needs to be done as it helps your hair prepare for the biggest damage.

Buy the Things You Need
The things you need are: bleaching powder, oxiding lotion (9%), gloves, tinting brush and comb, non metallic bowl, a shower cap, keratin treatment--all these are available to your local beauty store like Hortaleza/HBC or in Quiapo and lastly, a toner. For this DIY, we recommend you use Wella T14 or T18, this can be bought online and costs around P500-550.
Ask a Friend
Find a friend that you trust, to apply the bleach on your hair. Do not attempt to do this alone because bleach is a fast acting chemical and when you miss a section of your hair, it may turn out to be patchy. You will need a pack (or two depending on your hair length) of bleaching powder, we recommend you use the one from HBC/Hortaleza and a 9% oxiding lotion.

Do a Skin Test
It's necessary to do a skin test (or patch test) two days before bleaching your hair to know if you have any allergic reactions. If any discomfort occurs, do not proceed with the bleaching process.

The Process
Now that you've gathered everything you need, prepare you bleaching mixture. The ratio is 1:1. Mix 1 part of bleaching powder to 1 part of oxidizing lotion. Remember, the mixture depends on the length of your hair. Next, put on an old shirt, a shirt you don't mind getting stains on, then put on some gloves (or ask your friend to do so). Wrap a tissue roll on your neck and ears so the bleaching solution won't get in between these areas as bit can burn your skin. 
Next, apply the bleaching solution to your hair, and make sure you put the solution on your roots last so it may not be the lightest shade on your hair. Leave it on for 30-40 minutes maximum then rinse it off. Towel dry your hair and proceed in applying your toner, leave it on for 25 minutes. Toners do not need to stay on your hair too long because it isn't a coloring agent. Rinse it off and apply your keratin treatment for another 30 minutes, and voila! You now have a blonde hair!

It may seem easy but you have to remember to take precautionary measures. Always do a skin test prior to bleaching your hair. And of course

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