10 Gross Things Women Have To Go Through During Their Periods

by Joanne Millares June 13, 2017 OMG

Image result for women with period disgust

Yup it may be nice to know that a sperm did not make contact with our ovaries but periods are gross, terrible, and just a horrible pain in the uterus. Periods may be a fun excuse to eat a bucket of chicken or 10,000 cheese burgers but mostly, they are messy, expensive and a painful slow-motion nightmare

Here are 10 totally gross things women have to go through during their periods.

1. Sleep Leakage

Even when you've used the thickest of the thick napkins out there, you will still wake up with blood on your sheets.

2. Dripping Period Pee Onto A Toilet Seat

When you're done peeing and about to stand up but then you drip pee with blood onto a toilet seat. Yikes!

3. Constant Pooping

There is a scientific reason that your period may find you in a serious relationship with your toilet bowl. Hormone-like chemical compounds called prostaglandins are how your body tells your uterus that it's closing time for the month

4. Wet Farts

A side effect of the above-mentioned constant pooping, of course. And it turns out that discussing that feeling when you fart while wearing a pad and it's almost like the fart travels through your pad and kind of into your vagina ... is honestly a little too gross even for me.

5. Blood Clots

Blood jelly-like clots aren't a medical issue most of the time; but it's kind of hard not to feel like a science experiment gone wrong when they start just raining out of your vagina.

6. Blood Sticking Onto Your Pubes

When you wear pads and you have pubes, the period blood will crust on them and it will stick and become hard.

7. Pad Wedgies

Just when you thought wearing pads or napkins were uncomfortable, wait until you get a pad wedgie. You'll definitely complain more about that.

8. Boob Pain

Nothing gets stuck to your boobs or comes out of it. But the pain sure is terrible.

9. Your Dog Loving It

Notice that your dog keeps smelling that area and it feels awkward.

10. Underestimating How Heavy Your Flow Is

You might think that your period is almost over but NOPE!

Being a woman is hard with all of these but it sure is a gift. So enjoy it and love yourself!


Any period horror stories? We'd like to hear from you. Share them on the comments below!

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