15 College Memes That You Can Relate To. Number 3 Is Everybody!

by Joanne Millares June 09, 2017 OMG

College is one of the most stressful times of your life. It can be a roller coaster ride of emotions and here are 15 memes you can relate to.

1. When you started the year being optimistic.

2. When you're about to give up

3. When you find time to power nap

4. Senior Year

5. Every time you are late

6. When your professor won't accept late papers

7. Trying to get all the units you need for the next semester

8. When you try to talk to your professor in a large class

9. Handing in that paper after an all-nighter

10. Fine-dining on a budget

11. When your friends drag you to a career fair so you can be a real person

12. When you are a professional procrastinator

13. When all your clothes need to go to the laundy asap

14. When tuition is higher than the brochure claimed

15. And finally... when we all reach that point in the school year

Stay strong, you can do it!

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