Trends We'll All Regret In 20 Years
Fashion trends come and go. They look really good and we might join the hype but there are hypes that won't look cool after 20 years. Here's a list:
1. The Kylie lip obsession
2. Excessive contouring
3. Excessive highlighting
4. Those clothes that makes you look like your cat ate them up
5. Mom jeans
6. Very dark gradient brows
7. Applying makeup with stuff that isn’t a makeup brush
8. Crop tops
9. Chokers
10. Furry shoes
11. Holographic clothing
12. Cultural appropriation
13. The unicorn and mermaid obsession
14. See-through heels
15. Mesh clothing
What do you guys think? We'd love to read your thoughts on the comments below!
source: metdaan