Wake Up Late And Still Make It On Time With These Tips

by Joanne Millares July 26, 2017 OMG

School can make you very busy and you can be tired. Waking up the next day is such a struggle especially when you still want to sleep in. But don't worry, because even though you went out last night or studied until 4 a.m. you can still make it to school on time with these tips:

1. Make A To-Do List
chic-studies: My daily bullet journal layout for today!
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2. Prepare your hair


3. Pick an outfit the night before


4. Pack your bag


5. Have breakfast to go
For a delicious on-the-go breakfast you prep the night before. | 20 Cheat Sheets For When You're Trying To Eat A Little Healthier
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6. Get to class quickly


Time management is very important. No matter how busy you were the night before, make sure to prep up everything for the next day you can always be alert and ready for anything.

Any more tips that can help you be on time? Share them on the comments below!

source: hercampus

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