How You Can Whiten Your Teeth At Home Easily!

by Joanne Millares August 30, 2017 How To's & DIY

We use our teeth everyday and brushing it is a way of taking care of that gorgeous smile. But no matter how expensive your toothpaste can be, your teeth may not be getting any whiter. A trip to the dentist can also be very expensive.

Here are different home remedies to whiten your teeth:
Baking Soda and Lemon Juice

One of the major ingredients of most commercial toothpastes is baking soda – thanks to its teeth whitening action. Plus, it acts as an abrasive that scrubs away teeth stains and prevents bacterial growth. Whereas lemon features amazing bleaching properties that eliminate the yellow discoloration of your teeth. That’s why, applying a mixture of the two onto your teeth works wonders to make them sparkle all over again. To prepare the paste at home, you’ll need some baking soda, lemon juice, a cotton swab, and a glass of water.

Remedy Details : tipsforher


How amazingly well activated charcoal pulls the toxins out of your teeth makes it very beneficial for teeth whitening, while a super strong crystal-based chemical present in charcoal amplifies the process. But, what’s best is that you can whip up a homemade DIY teeth whitening solution of charcoal and let its porous granules bind the bacteria before it stains the teeth. The key is to blend charcoal with a little water, and gently apply it to on the teeth. Let it work for about 2 minutes, finally rinsing it with thoroughly.
Remedy Details : girlswithcoupons

Get Rid of a Cavity : DIY Toothpaste

Those little cavities developing within your teeth is no less than a knightmare calling for a formal dentist treatment. But, what if you could get rid of such cavities and restore the damage at home? All you need to do is to brush your teeth with a magical homemade toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide sprayed on the toothbrush, accompanied by following a few quick tips to take better care of your teeth. Just a deal of 4 ingredients, including some coconut oil, mineral salt, some baking soda and a little essential oil are the secret to whipping up the mix.

Remedy Details : realfoodrecovery

Whiter Teeth with Turmeric

Not only does the yellow colored herb get rid of the yellowness in teeth, but also makes them stronger and free from toothaches or other oral problems. Use it alone or combine with a few other natural ingredients, it won’t fail to show surprising results every single time. The most effective method is to apply a fine paste of water and organic turmeric powder onto your teeth. Alternatively, you can relieve gum diseases by mixing it with coconut oil and peppermint oil. The last method is to prepare a natural, fluoride-free toothpaste of baking soda, coconut oil and turmeric.

Remedy Details : diyremedies

Activated Charcoal Teeth Scrubbing

While most treatments may take a few days to yield visible results, a simple and affordable substance like activated charcoal powder can get you a gorgeous bright smile instantly. Scrubbing the powder onto your teeth with a toothbrush for about 5 minutes, before rinsing out all the black with water is all you are required to do. The substance actually absorbs all the bacterial accumulated over the teeth and remove any stains developed over time, letting you witness immediate whitening of your teeth, that too like no other store-bought solution can!

Remedy Details : cutediyprojects

Whiten Teeth in 2 Minutes

Heading to a party, but looking at the mirror gave you a sudden dose of embarrassment with those cute little smile-squares seeming a bit yellow? Here’s a 2-minute homemade teeth whitening remedy that can come to your rescue. Grab a lemon and some baking soda from your pantry and get going to whip up a consistent paste of the two. Apply it on the teeth, leave it on for no more than 2 minutes to avoid any tooth decay by the action of acid, and rinse. Head to the below guide and check out how this woman brought instant pearly shine to her teeth almost effortlessly!
Remedy Details : cutediyprojects
Homemade Teeth Whitening with Banana Peel

Why throw those banana peels after grabbing a few bites of the fulfilling fruit, when you can transform them into an awesome teeth whitening remedy? All you need to do is to take a piece of the inside of the banana peel, followed by gently rubbing it around on your teeth for about 2 minutes before brushing them with a regular toothpaste. The whitening comes by the action of a few amazing minerals in the peel, including potassium, magnesium and manganese getting absorbed into the teeth. Repeating the process twice daily will yield wonderfully white teeth in the long run.
Remedy Details : elixirultineretii
Take care of your teeth Kikay!
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