Get Rid Of Your Pimple With These Do and Don'ts!

by Joanne Millares September 16, 2017 Fashion & Beauty

Pimples can get tricky and you may have been spending so much just to get rid of them. Here are common dos and donts when a pimple suddenly comes on your face.

Don't pop it! 

Popping your pimple is very unsanitary and very unsafe because the bacteria that comes out of your pimple could linger on your skin for weeks!

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Do rub an ice cube on your face!

Ice cubes help minimize pores and reduces redness and swelling. When you see a pimple on your face, wash your hands, and rub an ice cube over your skin for a few seconds. Remember not to overdo it, though as the ice's temperature might cause the capillaries underneath your skin to break. (via Charleston Dermatology)

Don't over wash your face!

You might think that cleaning your zit too much will solve all your problems. It will solve some, but not when you do it too much. Just like everything else, your skin needs to have a balance—especially in terms of oil secretion. It's a bad idea to over wash because it could lead to dry skin, causing even more breakouts. (via Seventeen)

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Do! Reach for benzoyl peroxide.

When you're looking to make your zit go away, look for benzoyl peroxide in your acne creams. This ingredient not only helps kill the bacteria in your skin, it removes oil, too! Talk about a double whammy for that pesky pimple! (via Live About)

Don't exfoliate it!

Exfoliation is great once or twice a week.  More than that? Not really. Exfoliating too much could have the same consequences as over washing or even worse. Exfoliating too much or too hard, pimples or whiteheads could burst, causing bacteria to spread all over your face. No thanks!

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Just a reminder, every time you get a pimple, don't freak out. It can cause stress and give  you more pimples. Follow the common do's and don'ts and your blemish should disappear.

How do you get rid of your pimples?

source: candymag

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