How To Properly Groom In Public

by Joanne Millares September 17, 2017 How To's & DIY

There are proper ways of doing everything. Things you think that are normal can be rude to other people. Here are ways to properly groom yourself in public.

Image result for applying makeup

1. Put your makeup on before you leave the house. Doing it while driving is dangerous, and applying it on the train or bus is rude. It can also be quite messy in a moving vehicle.

You may apply lipstick in a restaurant as long as you can do it without looking. If you need a mirror, follow proper table manners; get up and go to the ladies' room. Whatever you do, don't use your butter knife or the back of the spoon as a mirror. It may be funny, but it's also bad manners. You may powder your nose as long as you don't place your compact mirror between yourself and the other people at the table.

Image result for brushing your hair
2. Brushing your hair at the table is always inappropriate. This is not only rude; it is unsanitary. No one wants to eat food with flyaway hair or scalp particles that escape during someone's grooming session. Excuse yourself and go to the restroom to groom your hair.

Image result for applying nail polish

3. Most people will agree that freshly polished nails can be quite beautiful, but the smell of nail polish and removers can be noxious. Polish your fingernails at home or have it done at the hair salon. If your polish chips while you are out, excuse yourself and take care of it in the restroom. The same applies to nail glue. Find a private location to glue on a fake nail that has cracked or fallen off.

Remember that when you file your nails, fingernail dust flies. Think about it. Do you want to have other people's fingernail dust in the air you breath or surfaces you touch?

Never bite your fingernails, either in public or private. This is one of the dirtiest, grossest things a person can do. Dirt has a way of getting up under the tip of the fingernail, and it harbors disgusting bacteria. Ick!

4. Never apply perfume in public. First of all, many people have allergies, and you could cause someone to have a respiratory problem. If you must wear fragrance, dab a small amount on your wrist and behind your ears before leaving your house. 

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5. A clean, fresh mouth is essential if you want any kind of social life, but please don't floss or pick your teeth in public. Do that in the privacy of your own bathroom. If you get something stuck in your teeth while eating out, go into the restroom and take care of it.

Restaurants may offer toothpicks at the door, but that doesn't mean you have to use one in front of all the patrons. You may pop a breath mint or discreetly pump a little breath spray into your mouth.

source: thespruce

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