What Does Your Lipstick Tip Say About Your Personality?

by Joanne Millares September 08, 2017 Fashion & Beauty

Rounded Tip
Your personality is polarizing. People either love you very much or dislike you actively. You are very opinionated and bold enough to share your thoughts. But despite the strong exterior, you are the first one to offer support when your friend needs it.You find that your personality is polarizing: People either love you tremendously or actively dislike you. This doesn't bother you, though — you take pride in being opinionated and bold enough to share your thoughts in front of others. Despite your intense exterior, you are always the first one to offer support when a loved one is in need.

Flat top
You are often call the wittiest person and they are probably right because you are intelligent and funny. But even though you are a natural charmer, you still get frustrated during discussions and have a hard time arguing with people who disagree with you. 
People often call you the wittiest person they know, and they're probably right — you've always been quick, intelligent, and funny; a combo that makes you a natural charmer. Still, you get frustrated during discussions and have a hard time not arguing with people who disagree with you, so that aspect of your personality can annoy your loved ones. You prefer documentaries to most genres of film, especially romantic comedies that you find unreasonable.

Rounded smooth tip
Taking care of your family is the most important thing in your life. You are very artsy. You like music, writing, or drawing.
Your living room is your favorite part of the house — you love keeping it tidy and comfortable enough for a group of guests to come over.  Taking care of your family is the most important thing in your life, but you also take pride in letting out your artsy side via hobbies like music, writing, or drawing. You have probably never received a speeding ticket.

Slant close to original shape
You never felt comfortable breaking the rules. You get nervous about hurting people or disappointing someone. On the bright side, your sensitivity has made you a lovable person.
As a kid, you felt uncomfortable breaking the rules. Even today, you get nervous about disappointing other people or hurting someone's feelings. On the bright side, this empathy has made you a lovable person that is always a valuable component of every team you're on, both in the workplace and socially.

Flat top concave
You always make sure that you finish what you have started. You don't mind getting your hands dirty when it comes to accomplishing tasks. You're never afraid to ask questions or take risks. These qualities have led to you getting what you want out of your career or any aspect in life.
You don't mind getting your hands dirty when it comes down accomplishing tasks — after all, your biggest pet peeve is not finishing something you've started. Your curiosity knows no bounds and you're never afraid to ask questions or take risks, which got you into trouble as a child. As an adult, though, these qualities have led to you getting what you want out of your career, romantic endeavors, and social life.

Sharp angled sides
You are naturally good at flirting. You are smart and very sexy. On vacation, you prefer unique activities rather than just laying around the pool all day. People may think that you are cocky but you know yourself and you are proud of your accomplishments.
Smart and sexy, you are naturally good at flirting — a trait that makes you the envy of your friends. When on vacation, you prefer to do unique activities rather than just lay around by a pool all day. People occasionally think you're cocky or vain, but you just know who you are and are proud of your accomplishments. You're very, very good at karaoke.

Sharp curved top
You have tons of love to give and you enjoy helping. You're very creative and wonderful but you tend to push yourself too much.
As a child, you always found yourself getting crushes on those around you — a habit that continued into your adulthood. You have tons of love to give and enjoy helping. You're incredibly creative, which is wonderful, but you tend to put a too much pressure on yourself. You love all animals, but you're definitely a dog person due to canines' fun energy and unconditional loyalty —  traits you value in yourself, as well.
Sharp diagonal top
You are a natural leader because you are very charismatic and ambitious. You would rather organize a party than to only attend one. Your eagerness can annoy people but it sure does get the job done.
Charismatic and ambitious, you have always been a natural leader. At parties — which you love to organize and attend — you are often the center of attention, making those around you laugh until their eyes leak. Your eagerness to be in charge and in control can annoy those around you on occasion, but you undeniably get things done, making you an integral part in the lives of your family, friends, and even coworkers.

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source: goodhousekeeping

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