Winnie The Pooh Is Actually A Girl!

by Joanne Millares September 27, 2017 OMG

We're sure you've watched at least one Winnie The Pooh episode in your life and if you have, there's a chance that you thought he was a boy and you are not alone!

It might totally shock you to know that he's a she! She's also from Canada, not England...


The new book written by Lindsay Mattick, is the granddaughter of a soldier who was actually responsible for bringing IRL Winnie to England.

He bought the bear for just $20 during the First World War and they became super close, that is, until he had to leave her at the London Zoo so he could go back to being a soldier in France.


However, Winnie gets a new BFF!!!

A young boy who always visits the zoo, Christopher Robin. Light bulb moment much?! 

Guess who was Christopher's dad? Author A. A. Milne, who went on to write the Winnie books.


source: girlfriend

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