Get Rid Of Acne Without The Help Of A Dermatologist!

by Joanne Millares December 03, 2017 How To's & DIY

Don't you just hate waking up and finding a pimple on your face?

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Having acne or getting pimples from a break out can make us self-conscious and feel uncomfortable.

We spend so much money to try different products but nothing doesn't really work. Sometimes the best way get rid of acne is to prevent it from happening. 

Here are 9 Tips that will help you if you have acne-prone skin:

Know your skin type
Knowing your skin type is very important. This helps you know what products are right for your skin. Using the wrong product for your skin type can irritate your face and cause you to break out. Everyone has different skin. What works for others may not work for you. So before trying out products, make sure you know what your skin type is.

Use oil-free, non-comedogenic products
Our skin already produces its own oil. Acne is caused by oil that are clogged in your pores which is why people with oily skin are more acne prone. Non-comedogenic products are products that won't clog your pores. Using oil-free products will be a big help to in keeping your skin acne-free.

Keep your hair out of your face
Our hair is with you everywhere you go. It accumulates all the sweat that we have and the dirt around us. If it's on your  face, it will cause break outs. Pull it back and keep your hair clean to avoid pimples.

We always think that people with oily skin are the only ones who are prone to acne. But people who have dry skin can also suffer from acne. As we mentioned, acne are caused by clogged pours. Usually this is from oil, but dirt, bacteria, or dead skin cells will clog your pours too. 

Many products will dry out your skin. Use oil-free products but not products that will take out your natural oil from your face. Keeping your face moisturized is very important if you are treating your acne.

Sanitize your cell phone
We are always on our phones. When you hold your phone to your face, that bacteria is transferred and that may cause you to break out.
Wipe down your phone and clean it everyday with. It will get rid of the bacteria that it accumulates everyday.

Don't use too much makeup
Your pores have to stay clean and clear if you are avoiding acne. Using a lot of make up will clog your pores.

If you're using a non-comodogenic product and you're still breaking out, it may be a sign that you're wearing too much make up. Give your skin time to breathe especially during breakouts. Don't lock them up and cover them with make up. Let them heal. If you can't really stop wearing make up then switch it with something light. You can use a tinted moisturizer. You will see that your skin will clear out and your breakouts will start to disappear.

Wash your Pillowcase
When you sleep, the bacteria from your face is transferred to your pillow case and this goes on and on every night. Imagine sleeping all night with that bacteria. To avoid that, make sure that you clean and wash your pillow cases regularly. This will help minimize your breakouts.

Wash your face
After work, class, or going to the gym, wash your face immediately! Sweat sitting on your skin is one of the easiest ways to cause you a breakout. Not taking a shower right away will be okay but make sure your face is clean ASAP!

Clean Your Makeup Brushes
A lot of women still don't do this regularly or never do this at all. You may have used your brushes for months or even years without cleaning it. This will surely cause you to breakout,
Your makeup brushes collect dirt and bacteria from your face, old makeup, and more. If you don't clean them regularly, even if you've cleaned your face, all the bacteria will go directly back to your face.

What do you think about these tips? Tried any of these already? Comment below!

source: seventeen

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