How Social Media Is Affecting Your Confidence!

by Joanne Millares December 05, 2017 OMG

Beauty is seen everywhere on social media. You might be following a lot of glam gurus or bad shawtys on instagram with flawless brows and flat stomachs. These girls have get endless compliments seen on their comment section. They all look good but unfortunately, for a many girls swiping through these posts, seeing pictures like this can make them feel bad about themselves. But do they really have to feel that way? Here are five ways that social media posts sometimes lower our self esteem and how we can change it.

1. We give so much attention on the likes and the retweets.
If you are bothered by this, you're not the only one. We get excited when people show their activities on their posts but sometimes, we tend to care more about the likes of the photos instead of the joy of posting and sharing it.

The fix: If you notice that you expect so much likes for a photo then try to take a step back and turn off your phone a bit. It's nice to receive compliments but tracking them and waiting for them is not good for you. Checking your phone too often can increase your anxiety and fears about who liked what you posted.

2. We see too much unrealistic body ideals.
There are way too many body goals out there. Kylie Jenner is known for posting polished photos of her curvy body on instragram. She gets a lot of attention because of her hourglass figure. Many young girls look up to celebrities like Kylie, which is why it's very important for you to understand that everyone's body is different.

The fix: Instead of spending so much time trying to achieve someone else's body, try to spend some time getting to know your own. We all have different body types and different features. Learn to love it and be proud of it. You may not love all of it but taking care of it and doing the things you love will help you with your confidence.

3. We tend to focus on other's approval of you rather than believing in yourself.
Approval doesn't necessarily mean listening to what others say to you, this can also be through the obsession for likes, shares, and retweets. When you do it all for these, you forget to appreciate yourself.

The fix: Try to take a step back and think of the things you love about yourself. Self love is very important. Don't dwell on the likes. Stop uploading photos for a while and create a scrapbook or a photo album. Create something to celebrate yourself.

4. We've develop a follower craze
Social media was created to share your thoughts, photos, and everyday experiences. People follow you because they want to see what's happening with you. Checking your followers list is fine once in a while but letting the number consume you can be very toxic. 

The fix: it might be a good idea to take a break from some apps a couple of days. If you notice that you're doing things for your following and you're anxious about the numbers, then this is a sign that you might need some time to be away from your screen and enjoy in-person relationships. Forget about the follower count!

5. We rely so much on apps for editing or touch-ups.
VSCOcam, Afterlight, Snapseed, and Facetune are just a few of many photo editing apps that social media users are very loyal to. These apps can edit anything, colors of the photos, touch ups with hair, body shape, complexion, etc. These apps are fun but using them to alter the overall image can lead to insecurity and discomfort. 

The fix: Try to go #nofilter on your photos. Embrace your natural looks. It may be tempting to edit parts of you that may be unappealing but always remember that nobody is perfect. We all have our blemishes and imperfections. Grow your self confidence and be proud of your self!

You got this!

Is social media affecting your confidence? Share your stories on the comment below!

source: girlslife

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