7 Things You Have To Remember When You're About To Fall In Love

by Unknown April 21, 2017 OMG

Falling in love becomes easy with someone you always spend your time with. The exhilarating rush of a new love may or may not leave you with so much thoughts. One minute you're feeling care-free and the next, you don't know if it's bound to last.

So to help you keep your feet on the ground, and not do anything reckless, here are seven things you ought to remember when you're about to go deep.

Don't Get Too Nervous
When you're around him, keep your emotions in line. Don't let him notice your growing feelings for him because sometimes, people take advantage of that.

Don't Give Him Those Dreamy Eyes
Seriously, do not get lost in his eyes. Act normal. Look him straight in the eye when he's talking with you and pretend that everything's normal.

Don't Let It Come Between Your Other Relationships
Do not isolate yourself with this person. Make sure you still are able to hang out with your friends or family while falling for this guy.

Learn To Say 'No'
When you're trying to impress this person, you say "yes" to everything he asks of you. Be sturdy enough to say 'no' especially when his requests conflict with yours. Remember, when you're always available, people take advantage of that and will only keep asking requests from you, never really seeing your value.

Don't Assume
It’s calming to think that your feelings are reciprocated but it’s important to never assume unless otherwise stated.

Don't Let Him Be The Center Of Your Universe
It's important that you don't let him be the center of your life. Only make him a part of it because there is no absolute assurance that he's going to fall for you, too. 

Don't Change Who You Are
If you find yourself changing constantly just for this person to notice you, it's not worth it. Pretending someone you're not is the worst thing you could do for love because you're hiding your true self from this person and worse, when you're done pretending, and let him see the real you, he might change his mind. The bottom line still remains--there is no assurance he's going to fall for you, or the person you've pretended to become.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone but it wasn't reciprocated? What can you say about this article? Do you now think you're now wiser and braver? Let us know!

SOURCE: Thought Catalog

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