The best foods to munch on to achieve a glowing skin!

by Unknown May 16, 2017 Fashion & Beauty

Sometimes, when beauty products don't give you a better result, it may be because of what you eat. As the saying goes, "you are what you eat", keep in mind that our food intake not only affect our internal body parts but our external body as well. So here are foods that can give you a healthy and radiant skin.

Powerful oxidants like papaya, spinach, and pumpkins help in protecting your skin from the cellular damage caused by free radicals. By eating foods rich in antioxidants, it will lessen the appearance of fatigue and boost your glow. You should eat grapes, blueberries, dark green veggies, sweet potatoes, tea, beans, fish, and orange vegetables.
Essential fatty acids
Fatty acids help our body maintain the cells health and key functions. Also, fatty acids prevent acne from growing and make cellulites less visible! Load up on flax seeds, legumes, and soybeans. It is highly recommended that you also eat fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, sardines, tuna, salmon, etc.
Mixed nuts
Instead of munching on store-bought chips, chew on mixed nuts like walnuts and macadamia. Walnuts are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids thhat can lower inflammation and prevent breakouts while macadamia nuts are "full of high quality oils and fatty acids that aid in skin repair and rejuvenation."
Being healthy and beautiful is achievable, only when you've got a heart to do it. Have you been loading up on these foods? What are the effects in you? Share with us your thoughts in the comment section!

SOURCE: Candymag

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