Beauty Tips Our Moms Taught Us That Are Actually Lies
Tips that your mother definitely told you but aren't actually helpful.
1. "Suklayin mo lang, gaganda din yan"
Brushing your hair 100 times will cause breakage to your hair. So if you've been doing that, STOP NOW.
2. My mom would always pump her mascara bottle to get more on the wand and break up clumps.
Naturally, I followed her in her footsteps and started to do the same thing for years.
Naturally, I followed her in her footsteps and started to do the same thing for years.
I eventually learned that pumping your mascara leads to dry, flaky makeup. You're just introducing more air and bacteria to the tube, trapping it in that cold, damp environment...
Just think about that for a second.
3. "Sisipunin ka pag hinayaan mong basa yang buhok mo"
Colds come from viruses and germs and these come outside. Wet hair will only give you the chills and will make you feel cold.

4. "Nako, wag kang magshave, kakapal yan!"
It really makes no sense when you think about it. If this were the case, why aren't we all covered in thick hair?
Explain that one, Mom.
5. "Wash your hair everyday"
Although this makes you really clean, washing your hair daily isn't really advisable. You wash the essential oils your hair need when you wash your hair everyday and his will make your hair dry.
Although this makes you really clean, washing your hair daily isn't really advisable. You wash the essential oils your hair need when you wash your hair everyday and his will make your hair dry.
6. "Magkaka pimples ka kakakain mo nyan"
Moms tell us that indulging with sweets will give you acne. This isn't true. Well, junk food may be bad for our skin but, Indulging from time to time is definitely okay.
7. "Wag mong bunutin yang puting buhok mo. Sige ka, tutubuan ka ng dalawa"
Well, guess what? That's totally a myth.
It's still not good to pull out your hair (it's a bald spot waiting to happen), but your hair is not a rabbit. It does not just magically multiply like that.

Instagram | @annathesheelf
8. "Pagupit ka na para humaba na lalo yang buhok mo"
Nope. Trimming our hair doesn't make it grow faster. But it does make our hair healthier.

Any tips your mom told you that you want to share? Comment them below!
Instagram | @annathesheelf
8. "Pagupit ka na para humaba na lalo yang buhok mo"
Nope. Trimming our hair doesn't make it grow faster. But it does make our hair healthier.
Any tips your mom told you that you want to share? Comment them below!