Know When And Why You're Breaking Out Thanks To This Acne Calendar

by Joanne Millares August 06, 2017 Fashion & Beauty

Wondering why you suddenly have a pimple and why of all days, your pimple decided to pop out today? Here's a calendar so you can understand why.

Day 1-4, Day 22-28


Day 1-4 is considered to be part of the the most acne-prone stage. Your skin will likely be oilier than usual and the dark circles under your eyes may seem more pronounced. During this time, it's a good idea to eat more green veggies and exercise as these will help unclog pores. However, wash your face immediately after exercise to get rid of sweat and dirt. It's also a good idea to exfoliate more during this time (2-3 times a week) and to wear face masks to nourish your skin.
Day 5-10


Your period should be ending or might have already ended during this stage of the cycle. Your skin might be drier than normal at this time so remember to drink plenty of water moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Gentle exfoliation and Vitamin C are also great to help you take care of your skin!

Day 11-21

It's during this time of the month that your hormone levels have gone back down to normal, so enjoy the way your skin looks as it's usually glowing during this time. Blood circulation also increases so ingredients in your skin care are more easily absorbed. Try a nourishing face mask and remember to sleep well and keep stress levels so so that when it hits day 22, your face won't immediately break out.

source: candymag

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