5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Tell Your Friends About Your Relationship Problems

by Joanne Millares September 19, 2017 OMG

Your friends are always there for you. Whenever you're sad or happy, you know that you can count on them. You tell them everything. But just because they're there for you doesn't mean you should tell them everything. There are things like your relationship that should be kept private and here are reason why:

1. Your Friends Only See Your Side

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By only hearing your side, not only will your friends not be able to see the full picture, but they'll also probably wonder why you are with someone so crappy at all. And you'll know the truth — that your partner isn't crappy — you were just having a bad day and venting.

2. Your Friends May Give You Terrible Advice

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If your friends only hear one side of the issue, they'll probably give advice based on that one side of the issue, which is totally understandable. And if they do, that advice will probably be a little flawed, based on the fact that they don't know the whole story. They also may give self-serving advice, sometimes without even realizing it

3. Your Friends May Not Want To Be In The Middle

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If things are going badly, but your friends know and love your partner, they may not want to say anything harmful and be put in the middle.

No matter what the situation, though, constantly talking to your friends about your relationship problems can put them in an awkward spot that they may be really irritated to be in. Try not to put them in that spot.

4. Your Friends Could Develop A Really Negative View Of Your Partner

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No matter how great your partner is, as long as you keep talking to your friends about the problems in your relationship, your friends will keep seeing your partner in a negative light. And then, when you want your friends and your partner to get along, you'll wonder why they actually hate each other. Don't create this drama. Instead, just keep your friends out of your relationship issues.

5. It Might Weaken Your Relationship

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Opening up your relationship to other people's thoughts and judgments has the ability to weaken it. It adds cracks in your relationships that don't need to be there. So go out of your way to keep your relationship sacred, and take care of your issues with your partner — not with the rest of the world.

source: elitedaily

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