You Might Be Getting Fungus And Bacteria This Rainy Season! Know How To Prevent It Here!

by Joanne Millares September 22, 2017

It's easier to get fungus and bacteria this rainy season. Here's why:

1. Puddles are a storehouse for bacteria, fungus and viruses. Avoiding walking in them.
2. Sitting in damp shoes and socks heightens your chances of getting a foot infection since it promotes bacterial and fungal growth.
3. Wearing closed, tight or compact shoes can give you shoe bites. Tight and closed shoes will cause blisters and leave no space for your feet to breath. They can give you smelly feet and also invite fungal infections
4. A fungal infection, the Athlete's foot occurring between the fourth and the little toe, is characterized by itching, scaling and foul smelling discharge.

Here's what you do:
1. Always (we cannot stress enough on the importance of this point) wash your feet after coming from outside. It is imperative that you dry your feet thoroughly with a clean towel or paper napkins.
2. Wear waterproof footwear that will not cause shoe bites and itches. The last thing you want is open sores on your feet in monsoons.
3. Do not wear the same shoes everyday. It is better to have an alternate pair of shoes. Wash your footwear if you have walked in puddles and air them for a day.
4. When you are indoors, make sure to let your feet breathe. Ensure your feet are absolutely dry and dust anti-fungal powder between your toes.
5. Keep a spare pair of shoes and socks in your office. Desist from sitting in wet footwear and socks all through the day.
6. Refrain from growing your toenails long. Wash and clean dirt from under the nails as also the edges.
7. Because your feet are wet for long periods, they lack moisture. Ensure that you keep them nourished. Use a rich lotion to moisturise them.
8. Get a pedicure every three to four weeks.
9. Seek professional help if you notice rashes, boils, pustules, etc.

Image result for feet in the rain gif

DIY pedicure
1. Wipe off all traces of any nail polish with an acetone-free nail polish remover.
2. Clip and file your nails before you soak your feet in water. Nails tend to become soft and prone to breakage after soaking.
3. Buff your feet to get rid of the dead skin. Use a foot file or pumice stone while focusing on the heels, the balls of feet and the corners of toes. Be gentle.
4.Fill a tub with warm water and a few drops of shampoo. Dip your feet in it for about 10 minutes.
5. Push your cuticles back as gently as you can. Use a cuticle cream to soften them before doing this. Avoid clipping them.
6. Use a nail tool to ease out dirt from the corners of your nail as also from under the nails.
7. Use a soft brush to scrub your nails. This will help bring a shine to yellowing nail beds.
8. Use a foot scrub to massage your feet to get rid of the remaining dead skin.
9. Rinse your feet and pat them dry.
10. Apply a moisturising lotion and cover your feet in socks. If your feet are extremely dry and prone to cracking wrap them in cling film after moisturising them and wear socks to bed. Wake up to super-soft soles!

Note: It is always better to paint your nails the next day to give them time to breathe.

Take care of your feet!

source: timesofindia

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