How You Can Be Extra Energized For The Whole Work Week!

by Joanne Millares November 25, 2017 How To's & DIY

It's the weekend and waking up on a Monday for a whole work week can feel terrible. As much as it's very relaxing to sleep and lay in bed, you have to get up and work!

Here are ways that can help you be extra ready for your work week:

1. Get centered.
With the 24-7 mentality of business owners, most entrepreneurs are especially driven by both nature and necessity. During the workweek, you’re probably forced to juggle many responsibilities to keep up and stay ahead.

On the weekend, give yourself the gift of time. Sit in a quiet space and find some inner peace. A few minutes of meditation, journal writing, stretching and other forms of calming contemplation can provide a replenishing respite that brings you back in touch with your true self.

2. Get moving.
When you engage in enjoyable exercise, like morning yoga, tennis, walking or swimming, it reinvigorates your body and mind. If you’ve been straining your eyes and tensing your shoulders by sitting in front of a computer all week, it’s time to move your body and relieve some of the pent-up stress that builds up during a largely-sedentary workweek.

Lose yourself in activities that take your mind away from your day-to-day work. Savor the energy that surges through your muscles as you use them. Reconnect with the natural world through outdoor activities like hiking, biking, surfing or running. Get out of the house and into the fresh air. You will feel refreshed and rejuvenated. You’ll most likely sleep better, too.

3. Get nourished.
If you’re used to eating quick meals at your desk or on the fly during your overbooked workweek, take time to enjoy healthy whole foods on the weekend. Eat foods that will boost your immune system and provide long-lasting energy. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and rich sources of protein replenish essential vitamins and minerals that may be missing in your everyday diet. If you enjoy cooking, try out some new recipes at home or take a cooking class.

Related: Smart Ways Busy Professionals Can Embrace Relaxation

4. Get away from digital devices.
If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re probably connected at the hip by a constantly-buzzing smartphone. Most of us spend more time interfacing with computer screens than communicating face-to-face with other human beings. We feel the pressure to be “connected” all the time, but spending too much time online can make you feel sluggish.

The weekend allows time to unplug from the virtual world and do something analog instead. Lose yourself in a good book, go to a concert, or pursue your own creative aspirations. Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way is the seminal book on the subject of creativity. Millions of readers have found it to be an invaluable guide to living the artist's life.

5. Get together with friends and family.
If you’re so busy running your business rather than spending time with the people who are most important to you, you’re not alone. Most people are super-busy these days; entrepreneurs especially so. Reconnect with those in your life who are most important. Set aside some time to nurture the strong personal relationships that make life meaningful and keep you going through challenging times. Spend quality time with loved ones on your days off and you will maintain those life-affirming ties that will sustain your energy throughout the workweek.

Image result for waking up happy gif

source: entreprenuer

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