So You Want To Try Shaving Your Face? Here Are The Things You Need To Know.
Contrary to popular belief, face shaving isn’t just for men. In fact, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor low-key did it. This practice is actually an effective technique to have that ultra-smooth face. So if you have that peach fuzz—the slightly noticeable hair on the face, neck, and other areas of the body (usually on the upper lip that makes you look like Captain Jack Sparrow up-close)—yes, go get rid of it.
But before you pick up the razor, there are things you need to know first before doing the deed.
1. Use sharp razors. Like, really sharp. Perhaps, it’s forgivable if you don’t mind too much about the sharpness of the razor you use for your armpits or legs. But, seriously, treat your face differently. Make sure what you’re using are sharp AF to lessen irritation and cuts. A cut on the legs sucks, for sure, but it’s even more annoying if you cut your face because of a faulty razor. You can also try a men’s razor because theirs are ‘specifically designed to tackle tougher hair, are extremely sharp and durable’.
2. You can use eyebrow razors. Often used by beauty junkies around the world, these eyebrow razors are also used to remove unwanted facial hair, also called dermaplanning. These tools are sharp enough for face-shaving but tend to be a little gentle, giving you feminine feels. Wet or dry, give yourself a try using it while watching a few tutorials on Youtube.
3. Choose the right shaving cream. Sure, you can use the one you use on your legs. However, heavily-fragranced cream might irritate your face instead of smoothing it. You could use a shaving cream that’s meant for the face or your favorite cleanser.
4. You'll be shaving regularly. Shaving at home may be cheaper, but it makes you do the practice regularly. Remember, hair grows back quick because you're only shaving from the surface instead of removing it from its roots. Expect to shave those unsettling little heads of facial hairs within a day or two.
5. “Hair grows back thicker” is a myth. People still believe in the popular myth that hair grows back thicker after shaving. It just looks thicker because you leave a blunt, stubby edge after you shave.

6. You’re likely to get ingrown. Yes, face shaving can give you skin-smoothing, skin-exfoliating benefits. But, on the downside, friction and micro-damage can cause irksome ingrown hairs especially if you have dark skin. Stephanie Kaulesar, an expert technician at hair removal salon Spruce & Bond, advised to shave in the same direction which the hair grows to help prevent irritation.
Are you now considering shaving your face after reading this? Go on, girl. It might be worth a try. Or have you tried it? Tell us your experience below.