What Your Office KIKAY Kit Should Contain Of Aside From Makeup
Once you enter the corporate world, there would be times that you're gonna be needing your beauty staples. Just the basic ones, at least. Because living in the grown-up world is demanding. Sometimes, you would be dragged into after work parties, which happens almost every payday, and well, you won't really have the time to go home and change, right?
It's kinda vital that you keep a makeup kit in your desk drawer just in case you forget to bring the one you use on a daily basis. So yes, it is indeed preferrable that you keep two of the same "basic" makeup products.
So this article will help you keep the most essential beauty staples you need to stash either in your desk or makeup kit.
Dry Shampoo
It is not ideal to wash your hair everyday as doing so can dry your scalp. So a good alternative for this are dry shampoos because it absorbs the oil on your scalp. Also, when you're doing field work, your head tends to stink more than the rest of your body so spray away!

Sunscreens protect you from the harmful UV rays so a sunblock can come in handy.
Cotton Buds
Cotton buds help clean up makeup mistakes without really ruining your entire look.
Hand Cream
Air condition can dry up your skin so it's essential that you moisturize your skin, especially your hands, as they're always exposed, every now and then.
Micellar Water
Whenever you need to change your makeup look (when you plan to hit the bar after working hours), micellar water can save your day! You can transfer your micellar water into a smaller container so that you won't have to bring the entire bottle.
Oil Absorbing Sheets
Yes, they work! From what it is called, it will help you wipe off excess oil in your face.
Wet Wipes
Wet wipes are so much better than paper towels or tissue. It works well with micellar water when you're going to remove your makeup.
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