5 Easy DIYs To Make Your Flats Look Good As New!

Plain flats are very easy to wear. They're very comfortable and easy to match with different outfits. If you've had one pair for so long, the design can get boring. But did you know that there are different ways to update its look?
Here are five easy DIYs that will keep your flats exciting and good as new:
1. Leopard Lace Up Flats
If you have a light colored pair, something beige, nude, or tan, this will be the perfect design update. Take a marker and add dots to it. Do a little cutting and and laces. If you don't want the laces then you can keep the leopard design alone.
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2. DIY Patch Flats
Any color will do with this design update. Just glue different designs for a fresh new look.
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3. Lace Toe Flats
Add lace to the toe are for a subtle feminine look
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4. Lace up flats
Here's a different version of the lace up flats to make them sturdy and feel tight.
5. Embellished Flats
Use cut up old jewelry or stray gems (from the craft store) and some glue to create a really pretty, feminine embellishment on any of your flats.
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source: gurl.com
Any DIYs that you'd like to share? Comment below!
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