How To Properly Shave

by Joanne Millares August 19, 2017 How To's & DIY

Shaving in your intimate parts is a choice you make. Even if your mom says no, it's yours so you are the only one responsible with that. Shaving may seem easy but as you may know, your vaginal area is very sensitive. Shaving it wrong may cause an infection.

So if it's you first time to shave, here are a few tips that can help you.


Exfoliate the area
Get rid of dead skin. If there's a lot of hair, try cutting so it will be easier to shave it.

Use a shaving cream that is moisturizing
Don't use a shaving cream that has crazy fragrance scents in it. Certain scents can mess up your pH imbalance. It is very important that it should be gentle and very hydrating.

Use a razor that is easy to move.
Get a razor that will move for tricky spots, like your bikini area, which can be very hard to see. Also get something that will smoothen it afterwards and help prevent bikini bumps and hair ingrowns.

Sit or stand in front of a mirror
This will help you to easily see the hair down there. This will also give you a better view of what's happening.

Go slowly, rinse the razor regularly, and be patient.
You might need to go over an area a few times – that’s better than rushing and attacking the hair! Shave off whatever you want and once you’re done, add some ingrown hair serum or whatever you have. 

A few days after shaving, as the hair starts to grow back, you’ll notice that it will feel very itchy.That’s totally normal – just try to apply something soothing, like more ingrown hair serum, instead of scratching. Also, exfoliate about three times a week. It helps remove dead skin cells, prevent ingrown hairs, and soothes bumps.


How do you shave? Care to share any more suggestions? Comment below!

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