Squiggly Brows: The Latest Eyebrow Trend!

by Joanne Millares August 29, 2017

Kilay is life! There are different eyebrow styles out there but one thing's for sure, you want them to look on point. Having perfectly angled brows are our favorite but there seems to be a new eyebrow trend that has been circling the internet.

We introduce you the Squiggly brows. These are brows that are shaped in wavy lines.

The look is made by covering the brows with powder and concealer.

One of the trendsetters was beauty influencer Promise Tamang, who uploaded her take on the look to Instagram.

She revealed to Pop Sugar that she had seen a Photoshopped squiggly brows image online that had been inspired to try it out in real life.

She said she used washable PVA Glue to "flatten" her brow hair "all in one direction."

Then she used full coverage concealer to hide her hair, and then used powder to fully erase her brow from sight.

To draw on the funky wavy lines, she used black gel liner mixed with brow pomade formula.

Promise is the latest in a number of Instagrammers to attempt the look, with many pairing the look with bright eyeshadow shades and colourful lips.

What do you think about this eyebrow trend? Share your thoughts on the comments below!

source: sun

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