Signs That Your Crush Isn't Into You!

by Joanne Millares August 27, 2017 OMG

Having a crush is nice. It gives that exciting feeling and you are always inspired. But if you're trying to figure out if your crush likes you, here are some signs that might just help.

You Always Initiate
If you're always the one texting your crush or starting a convo, they might not be super into you. Sure, they could just be shy, but if they do like you, they will at least try to reach out and make contact. If there is barely anything coming from their end, it's time to end the crush. Sorry!

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They Make Plans But Never Follow Through
Do you and your crush always say you're going to hang, but they never commit to a real time or day? They might be avoiding you because they just aren't into you. Sorry! They probably don't want to hurt your feelings and deny you, but they string you along by making tentative plans, which is almost worse than getting denied. It messes with your head and it just annoying, so if you and your crush have made plans many times but nothing has ever happened, they might not want it to happen.

They Straight Up Ignore You
If your crush ignores you, it's probably not them being "cute" it's them avoiding you. I don't want to freak you out, but if you are always saying "hey" or commenting on their Instagram posts and get no response, they probably aren't that into you.
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They Don't Ask About You
If you and your crush start chatting and they are always talking about themselves and never asking about you, it shows that they don't really care about what's going on in your life. If they had feelings for you, they would at least ask you a little bit about your life. If they don't they probably don't ~like like~ you.

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They only want to flirt
They're only there when they need that loving loving but not actually there for the real thing.
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There there. But just because your crush isn't into you, doesn't mean you are less of a person. You are beautiful!

Any thoughts about this? Comment below!

source: gurl

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