10 Signs You've Found Your Perfect BFF!

by Joanne Millares September 21, 2017 OMG

It takes a while to find a good friend but once you've found her, you wouldn't want to let them go. Here are different signs that will tell you you've found your perfect bff!

1. You are never afraid to tell her anything.
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2. You laugh at the same things
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3. You laugh at each other 
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4. You Respect Each Other's Boundaries
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5. You Can Cry With Each Other
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6. Time Flies When You're Together
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7. You Can Still Be Productive Around Her
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8. She's Part Of Your Family
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9. Your Nights Out Are Safe And Fun
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10. Your Nights In Are Just As Fun
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Can you relate to any of these? Share your college buddy story in the comments below!

source: elitedaily

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