This Homemade Cream Can Get Rid Of Your Cellulite!

by Joanne Millares November 06, 2017 Fashion & Beauty How To's & DIY

Cellulite can be a problem to some women. It comes on thighs, legs, stomach, arms, butt etc. If you're scared to buy products because it's pricey, try this home made natural cellulite remover!

This homemade cream solves your problem of cellulite. It's very easy to make. You will use only natural ingredients to make this cream. 

What You You Will Need:

Coconut Oil – 100 ml
Orange Essential Oil – 20 drops
Cinnamon Powder – ½ teaspoon
Plastic Wrap
A bowl

The Benefits:

Coconut oil is best for the open pores and it easily absorb with other ingredients.
Orange essential oil is one of the most useful ingredients for cellulite removal. You can use any citrus essential oil (orange, lemon, and grapefruit).
Combining the cinnamon powder with these two ingredients, it will very effective to remove cellulite from the body.

How To Make It:

  1. Take a bowl and add into the 100 ml of coconut oil, 20 drops of orange essential oil and ½ tsp of cinnamon powder.
  2. Mix together all the ingredients. Then allow the mixture to stand at least 30 mints, because it will good for use.
  3. Now you apply this mixture or cream directly on your affected areas and massage gently for few minutes and cover the area with plastic wrap.
  4. Repeat this process at least three times in a day. After one week you will see the effects.
  5. This cream will be expired after 30 days, then you will need to be made again.

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