7 Period Struggles Only Girls Can Understand

by Unknown March 19, 2017 OMG

Every single month, for at least a week, we women experience nature’s gift to us – periods. Whether or not we like it, we have to battle with all or some of these struggles:

Cramps. The pain comes like a stab on the side, at the back, and sometimes it feels like it is really all over. So all we want to do is to curl and stay on bed. Judging by the gross amount of blood that comes out, it would seem like our uterus has a big war going on from the inside. And it really leaves us feeling like our back will literally break into two.

Unstable emotions. Some of us feel an assortment of emotions before the onset of the period. We feel like crying for no apparent or very shallow reasons; we get mad easily; yelling and snide remarks mostly comprise our language. In some cases, we feel like we just want to like crawl in a hole and just die. Actually anything and everything makes us sad. Or mad and bad.

Constant tiredness. Because we feel so tired, we become unproductive. And even if we stay in bed for most of the day, hoping to regain and recharge energy, we still feel tired upon getting up. We literally want to do nothing the entire time.

Food craving. We find ourselves actually salivating over just the thought of a certain food. And so we get mad realizing that most fast food don’t deliver after 10 pm. And we always see ourselves hungry every 15 minutes.

Leak. We sometimes have an intense fear of standing up after sitting for a long time, because who honestly knows what could go wrong? Deciding on a sleeping position requires strategic planning to make sure we won’t move a lot during sleep and bleed just everywhere. And because we do not want to damage our favorite undies with blood stains, then we resort to wearing our period panties – you know the ones we keep tucked in the bottom part of the drawer, that are big, old with the almost-battered cloth material.

Pimples. It’s really burdensome to have these period-causing pimples because it feels like being 13 again. And they won’t go away with concealer or makeup.

Sudden flow. Just when you thought your period cannot get any worse, you suddenly experience sudden flows--the ones you feel when you abruptly stand up. And your world literally stops and you hope it doesn’t stain your pants.
So we try to beat and won over these struggles, but truth is, some battles cannot be won. What's your worst experience?

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