6 Harmful Effects of Sleeping with Your Hair Wet

by Jasmine Ariel March 19, 2017 What's Hot

When you were young, your grandma may have told you that sleeping with your hair wet at night you would either catch a cold or worse, could cause blindness.

While there isn't any scientific basis to support this, it is quite fitting that you shouldn't go to sleep immediately after taking a bath since your scalp may be inflamed if its moisture is retained too long.Other harmful effects of not drying your hair are:

1. Headache
You were also told you would experience severe headaches, right? It is true because sleeping with your hair wrapped around a towel would cause a temperature difference.
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2. Hair Breakage
Your hair is prone to breakage when it is wet

3. Infections
Pillows are a breeding ground of bacteria since they absorb sweat, body oils, and dead skin cells. If you sleep with wt hair, it can moist up your pillow, being a nest of bacteria.
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4. Itchiness
Due to the moisture that is formed on the skin of your head, it may cause itchiness.
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5. Muscle Pain
If you always sleep with your hair wet, in the long run, it can lead to paralysis of the whole body. When your temperature changes suddenly, your muscles contract.
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6. Dandruff
When your scalp is moist, it can hinder your scalp to produce enough oil. It can either produce too much or very little disrupting the natural pH balance of your scalp.
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No matter how tired you are before going to bed, make it a habit to dry your hair first. It is recommended to wash your hair during day time after all. Are you guilty of doing any of these habits?

Source: Jersey Demic

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